Our investigators monitor counterfeit market in any regions, cities, shopping malls and markets. Monitoring is carried out not only in the territory of Russia but also in other countries of Eurasian Economic Union (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia) and Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Georgia and Ukraine.
Monitoring includes visiting popular trading areas or particular shops, test purchases, photo-video recording. The results of such monitoring are forwarded to the Client in a detailed report that allows to make conclusions regarding the presence/absence of current threats in the chosen region/city.
Conducting test purchases of presumably counterfeit goods makes it possible to check its original nature and receive additional information that can help in determining their origin and supply channels.
A notary can take part in a test purchase. In that case the notary draws up a report fixing the fact of conducting a purchase and information about the products that can be used as evidence in court.
While conducting investigation and test purchases we pay special attention to correct fixation of evidence that can be later used for efficient protection of rights by applying to court or law enforcement agencies. Duly fixed evidence shall be also used for registration of the trademark in the Customs IP Register.
Arranging police raids against counterfeit goods producers or sellers in shops, shopping malls, warehouses indicated by the right holder or detected during market monitoring. During police raids our lawyers cooperate with police officials and immediately provide information, documents and explanations needed for initiation of administrative or criminal proceedings against the infringers.
Registration of a trademark or copyrighted work in the Customs IP Register is a most effective measure to prevent importation of counterfeit goods into the country. It also allows obtaining information regarding the country of origin of the goods and supply chains.
Our lawyers have extensive experience in IP litigation. Applying to court with a complaint is an effective measure that not only helps prohibit infringing actions, but also recover damages or monetary compensation for committed infringement.
Our lawyers have considerable experience in recovering damages both in civil and criminal cases. The current Russian legislation allows claiming compensation in the amount of up to 5 000 000 rubles or twice the cost of counterfeit goods or double amount of a license fee.
One of the goals achieved off-line is the confiscation of counterfeit goods seized by law enforcement agencies as well as tools and equipment used for counterfeit goods production. Confiscation is an effective measure for actual withdrawal of counterfeit goods from the circulation, for reduction of its availability on the market and for causing essential damage to manufacturers and sellers of counterfeit products.